
Finding new drugs with computers

Institutional Communication Service

The development of a new drug is a long obstacle course: just 6% of investigational drugs, after a journey that takes about 10-11 years, make it on the market. Overall, to identify the "molecular targets" of the substances being tested, computer simulations have proved to be a very useful tool.

In the feature dedicated to technology in collaboration with La Regione, this month we hosted Vittorio Limongelli, Professor of pharmacology at the USI Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, who presented the potential of these "computer designed" molecules.

Read the article (in Italian)


The column

Nowadays, technology and information technology play a fundamental role in our daily lives. Their constant presence offers opportunities and challenges that are not always easy. To help us better understand these often complex issues, the daily newspaper La Regione proposes a monthly column in which, throughout 2022, USI professors and researchers will provide insights into the various dimensions that characterise the digital age.


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