Journal Article (97)
- Belluzzi L., Riva S., Janett G., Guerreiro N., Riva F., Benedusi P., del Pino Alemán T., Alsina Ballester E., Trujillo Bueno J., Štepán J. (forthcoming) Accurate PRD modeling of the forward-scattering Hanle effect in the chromospheric Ca i 4227 Å line
- Guerreiro N., Janett G., Riva S., Benedusi P., Belluzzi L. (2024) Modeling the scattering polarization in the solar Ca I 4227 Å line with angle-dependent PRD effects and bulk velocities
- Benedusi P., Riva S., Zulian P., Štěpán J., Belluzzi L., Krause R. (2023) Scalable matrix-free solver for 3D transfer of polarized radiation in stellar atmospheres
- Riva S., Guerreiro N., Janett G., Rossinelli D., Benedusi P., Krause R., Belluzzi L. (2023) Assessment of the CRD approximation for the observer's frame RIII redistribution matrix
- Kopanicakova A., Kothari H., Krause R. (2023) Nonlinear Field-Split Preconditioners for Solving Monolithic Phase-field Models of Brittle Fracture
- Huang W., Multerer M. (2022) Isogeometric analysis of diffusion problems on random surfaces
- Harbrecht H., Multerer M. (2022) Samplets: Construction and scattered data compression
- Gander L., Pezzuto S., Gharaviri A., Krause R., Perdikaris P., Sahli Costabal F. (2022) Fast characterization of inducible regions of atrial fibrillation models with multi-fidelity Gaussian process classification
- Kothari H., Krause R. (2022) A Generalized Multigrid Method for Solving Contact Problems in Lagrange Multiplier based Unfitted Finite Element Method
- Harbrecht H., Multerer M., von Rickenbach R. (2022) Isogeometric shape optimization of periodic structures in three dimensions
- Dölz J., Harbrecht H., Jerez-Hanckes C., Multerer M. (2022) Isogeometric multilevel quadrature for forward and inverse random acoustic scattering
- Grandits T., Effland A., Pock T., Krause R., Plank G., Pezzuto S. (2021) GEASI: Geodesic-based Earliest Activation Sites Identification in cardiac models
- Pezzuto S., Prinzen F., Potse M., Maffessanti F., Regoli F., Caputo M., Conte G., Krause R., Auricchio A. (2021) Reconstruction of three-dimensional biventricular activation based on the 12-lead electrocardiogram via patient-specific modelling
- Gander L., Krause R., Multerer M., Pezzuto S. (2021) Space-time shape uncertainties in the forward and inverse problem of electrocardiography
- Harbrecht H., Multerer M. (2021) A fast direct solver for nonlocal operators in wavelet coordinates
- Janett G., Alsina Ballester E., Guerreiro N., Riva S., Belluzzi L., del Pino Alemán T., Trujillo Bueno J. (2021) Modeling the scattering polarization of the solar Ca i 4227 A line with angle-dependent partial frequency redistribution
- Levie R., Huang W., Bucci L., Bronstein M., Kutyniok G. (2021) Transferability of spectral graph convolutional neural networks
- Kothari H., Krause R. (2021) A Multigrid Method for a Nitsche-based Extended Finite Element Method
- Klawonn A., Lanser M., Uran M., Rheinbach O., Schenk O., Wellein G., Schröder J., Balzani D., Janalík R. (2020) Towards A Virtual Laboratory - Computation of Forming Limit Curves
- Donatelli M., Krause R., Mazza M., Trotti K. (2020) Multigrid preconditioners for anisotropic space-fractional diffusion equations
- Zulian P., von Planta C., Vogler D., Saar M., Krause R. (2020) Contact between Rough Rock Surfaces Using a Dual Mortar Method
- Kopanicakova A., Krause R. (2020) A recursive multilevel trust region method with application to fully monolithic phase-field models of brittle fracture
- von Planta C., Vogler D., Xiaoqing C., Nestola M., Saar M., Krause R. (2020) Modelling of hydro-mechanical processes in heterogeneous fracture intersections using a fictitious domain method with variational transfer operators
- von Planta C., Vogler D., Chen X., Nestola M., Saar M., Krause R. (2019) Simulation of hydro-mechanically coupled processes in rough rock fractures using an immersed boundary method and variational transfer operators
- Schädle P., Zulian P., Vogler D., Sthavishtha B., Nestola M., Ebigbo A., Krause R., Saar M., others . (2019) 3D non-conforming mesh model for flow in fractured porous media using Lagrange multipliers
- Harbrecht H., Multerer M., Ilić N. (2019) Rapid computation of far-field statistics for random obstacle scattering
- Bilgen C., Kopaničáková A., Krause R., Kerstin W. (2019) A detailed investigation of the model influencing parameters of the phase-field fracture approach.
- Quaglino A., Pezzuto S., Krause R. (2019) High-dimensional and higher-order multifidelity Monte Carlo estimators
- Pizzagalli D., Gonzalez S., Krause R. (2019) A trainable clustering algorithm based on shortest paths from density peaks
- Kopaničáková A., Tamstorf R., Krause R. (2019) Subdivision-based nonlinear multiscale cloth simulation
- Zolfaghari H., Becsek B., Nestola M., Sawyer W., Krause R., Obrist D. (2019) High-order accurate simulation of incompressible turbulent flows on many parallel GPUs of a hybrid-node supercomputer
- Favino M., Hunziker J., Caspari E., Quintal B., Holliger K., Krause R. (2019) Fully-Automated Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Media Embedding Complex Heterogeneities: Application to Poroelastic Fluid Pressure Diffusion
- Pizzagalli D., Latino I., Pulfer A., Palomino-Segura M., Virgilio T., Farsakoglu Y., Krause R., Gonzalez S. (2019) Characterization of the dynamic behavior of neutrophils following influenza vaccination
- Kopaničáková A., Krause R. (2019) Recursive multilevel trust region method with application to fully monolithic phase-field models of brittle fracture.
- Dölz J., Harbrecht H., Multerer M. (2019) On the best approximation of the hierarchical matrix product
- Nestola M., Becsek B., Zolfaghari H., Zulian P., De Marinis D., Krause R., Obrist D. (2019) An immersed boundary method for fluid-structure interaction based on variational transfer
- Nestola M., Zulian P., Gaedke-Merzhäuser L., Krause R. (2019) An embedded formulation for fluid-structure interaction with contact
- Tierney N., Reinhold H., Mira A., Weiser M., Burkart R., Benvenuti C., Auricchio A. (2018) Novel relocation methods for automatic external defibrillator to improve out-of-hospital cardiac arrest coverage under limited resources
- Nguyen U., Potse M., Vernooy K., Mafi-Rad M., Heijman J., Caputo M., Conte G., Regoli F., Krause R., Moccetti T., Auricchio A., Prinzen F., Maffessanti F. (2018) A left bundle branch block activation sequence and ventricular pacing influence voltage amplitudes: an in vivo and in silico study.
- Maffessanti F., Prinzen W., Conte G., Regoli F., Caputo M., Suerder D., Moccetti T., Faletra F., Krause R., Auricchio A. (2018) Integrated Assessment of Left Ventricular Electrical Activation and Myocardial Strain Mapping in Heart Failure Patients
- Pezzuto S., Gharaviri A., Schotten U., Potse M., Conte G., Caputo M., Regoli F., Krause R., Auricchio A. (2018) Beat-to-beat P-wave morphological variability in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: an in silico study
- Osborn S., Zulian P., Benson T., Villa U., Krause R., Vassilevski P. (2018) Scalable hierarchical PDE sampler for generating spatially correlated random fields using nonmatching meshes
- Krause R., Müller B. (2017) An adaptive least-squares mixed finite eleme
- Bilgen C., Kopani\v cáková A., Krause R., Weinberg K. (2017) A phase-field approach to pneumatic fracture
- Hesch C., Schuß S., Dittmann M., Eugster S., Favino M., Krause R. (2017) Variational space-time elements for large-scale systems
- Krause R., Zulian P. (2016) A {Parallel} {Approach} to theVariational Transfer of Discrete Fields between Arbitrarily Distributed Unstructured Finite Element Meshes
- Favino M., Bourauel C., Krause R. (2016) A nonlinear poroelastic model for the periodontal ligament
- Arbenz P., Grigori L., Krause R., Schenk O. (2016) Special issue on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA'14)
- Li X., Benedusi P., Krause R. (2016) An Iterative Approach for Time Integration Based on Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
- Quaglino A., Krause R. (2016) Towards a multigrid method for the minimum-cost flow problem
- Favino M., Pozzi S., Pezzuto S., Prinzen F., Auricchio A., Krause R. (2016) Impact of mechanical deformation on pseudo-ECG: a simulation study.
- Krause R., Zulian P. (2016) A Parallel Approach to the Variational Transfer of Discrete Fields between Arbitrarily Distributed Unstructured Finite Element Meshes
- Krause R., Zulian P. (2016) A parallel multigrid method for constrained minimization problems and its application to friction, contact, and obstacle problems
- Piazzese C., Carminati M., Colombo A., Krause R., Potse M., Auricchio A., Weinert L., Tamborini G., Pepi M., Lang R., Caiani E. (2016) Segmentation of the left ventricular endocardium from magnetic resonance images by using different statistical shape models
- Krause R., Zulian P. (2016) Impact of mechanical deformation on pseudo-ECG: a simulation study.
- Keilig L., Drolshagen M., Tran K., Hasan I., Reimann S., Deschner J., Brinkmann K., Krause R., Favino M., Bourauel C. (2016) In vivo measurements and numerical analysis of the biomechanical characteristics of the human periodontal ligament
- Krause R., Rigazzi A., Steiner J. (2016) A parallel multigrid method for constrained minimization problems and its application to friction, contact, and obstacle problems
- Krause D., Krause R. (2016) Enabling local time stepping in the parallel implicit solution of reaction{\textendash}diffusion equations via space-time finite elements on shallow tree meshes
- Krause R., Veeser A., Walloth M. (2015) An efficient and reliable residual-type a posteriori error estimator for the Signorini problem
- Kreienbuehl A., Naegel A., Ruprecht D., Speck R., Wittum G., Krause R. (2015) Numerical simulation of skin transport using Parareal
- Speck R., Ruprecht D., Emmett M., Minion M., Bolten M., Krause R. (2015) A multi-level spectral deferred correction method
- Arbenz P., Grigori L., Krause R., Schenk O. (2015) Special issue on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA'14)
- Kroon W., Lumens J., Potse M., Suerder D., Klersy C., Regoli F., Murzilli R., Moccetti T., Delhaas T., Krause R., Prinzen F., Auricchio a. (2015) In-vivo Electromechanical Assessment of Heart Failure Patients with Prolonged QRS Duration
- Arteaga A., Ruprecht D., Krause R. (2015) A stencil-based implementation of Parareal in the C++ domain specific embedded language STELLA
- Nguy\haten U., Potse M., Regoli F., Caputo M., Conte G., Murzilli R., Muzzarelli S., Moccetti T., Prinzen F., Krause R., Auricchio. a. (2015) An in-silico analysis of the effect of heart position and orientation on the ECG morphology and vectorcardiogram parameters in patients with heart failure and intraventricular conduction defects
- Dickopf T., Krause D., Potse M. (2014) Design and Analysis of a Lightweight Parallel Adaptive Scheme for the Solution of the Monodomain Equation
- Dickopf T., Krause D., Krause R., Potse M. (2014) Design and Analysis of a Lightweight Parallel Adaptive Scheme for the Solution of the Monodomain Equation
- Dickopf T., Krause R. (2014) Evaluating local approximations of the L2-orthogonal projection between non-nested finite element spaces
- Potse M., Krause D., Kroon W., Murzilli R., Muzzarelli S., Regoli F., Caiani E., Prinzen F., Krause R., Auricchio A. (2014) Patient-specific modelling of cardiac electrophysiology in heart-failure patients
- Dickopf T. (2014) Evaluating local approximations of the L^2-orthogonal projection between non-nested finite element spaces
- Conen L., Krause R. (2014) Addendum to "A coarse space for heterogeneous Helmholtz problems based on the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator"
- Baginski F., Croce R., Gillmor S., Krause R. (2014) Numerical investigations of the role of curvature in strong segregation problems on a given surface
- Conen L., Dolean V., Krause R., Nataf F. (2014) A coarse space for heterogeneous Helmholtz problems based on the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator
- Favino M., Gross C., Drolshagen M., Keilig L., Deschner J., Bourauel C., Krause R. (2013) Validation of a heterogeneous elastic-biphasic model for the numerical simulation of the PDL
- Peternier A., De Filippi M., Pasquali P., Cantone A., Krause R., Vitulli R., Ogushi F., Meroni A. (2013) A Probabilistic Model for LCF
- Schmitz S., Seibel T., Beck T., Rollmann G., Krause R., Gottschalk H. (2013) A Probabilistic Model for LCF
- Peternier A., De Filippi M., Pasquali P., Cantone A., Krause R., Vitulli R., Ogushi F., Meroni A. (2013) Validation of a heterogeneous elastic-biphasic model for the numerical simulation of the PDL
- Peternier A., De Filippi M., Pasquali P., Cantone A., Krause R., Vitulli R., Ogushi F., Meroni A. (2013) The influence of boundary approximation on transf
- Dickopf T., Krause R. (2013) The influence of boundary approximation on transfer operators between non-nested meshes
- Winkel M., Speck R., Huebner H., Arnold L., Krause R., Gibbon P. (2012) A massively parallel, multi-disciplinary Barnes-Hut tree code for extreme-scale N-body simulations
- Ruprecht D., Krause R. (2012) Explicit Parallel-in-time Integration of a Linear Acoustic-Advection System
- Badea L., Krause R. (2012) One- and two-level multiplicative Schwarz methods for variational and quasi-variational inequalities of the second kind
- Krause R., Walloth M. (2012) Presentation and Comparison of Selected Algorithms for Dynamic Contact Based on the Newmark Scheme
- Krause R., Walloth M. (2011) A family of space-time connecting discretization schemes for elastodynamic contact problems with local impact detection
- Drolshagen M., Keilig L., Hasan I., Reimann S., Deschner J., Brinkmann K., Krause R., Favino M., Bourauel C. (2011) Development of a novel intraoral measurement device to determine the biomechanical characteristics of the human periodontal ligament.
- Bacharova L., Mateasik A., Krause R., Prinzen F., Auricchio A., Potse M. (2011) The effect of reduced intercellular coupling on electrocardiographic signs of left ventricular hypertrophy
- Krause R., Walloth M. (2011) A family of space–time connecting discretization schemes with local impact detection for elastodynamic contact problems
- Krause R., Mohr C. (2011) Level set based multi-scale methods for large deformation contact problems
- Fackeldey K., Krause R., Krause D., Lenzen C. (2011) Coupling Molecular Dynamics and Continua with Weak Constraints
- Papadopoulou K., Keilig L., Eliades T., Krause R., Jäger A., Bourauel C. (2011) The time-dependent biomechanical behaviour of the periodontal ligament - an in vitro experimental study in minipig mandibular two-rooted premola
- Gross C., Krause R., Steiner J. (2010) Heterogeneous Coupling: A Comparison of two Approaches for the Modeling of thin Structures
- Krause R., Walloth M. (2009) A Time Discretization Scheme Based on Rothe's Method for Dynamical Contact Problems with Friction
- Gross C., Krause R. (2009) On the Convergence of Recursive Trust--Region Methods for Multiscale Non-linear Optimization and Applications to Non-linear Mechanics
- Fackeldey K., Krause R. (2009) Multiscale Coupling in Function Space - Weak Coupling between Molecular Dynamics and Continuum Mechanics
- Dickopf T., Krause R. (2009) Efficient simulation of multi-body contact problems on complex geometries: A flexible decomposition approach using constrained minimization
- Krause R. (2009) A Non-Smooth Multiscale Method for Solving Frictional Two-Body Contact Problems in 2D and 3D with Multigrid Efficiency
- Krause R., Wohlmuth B. (2001) Domain Decomposition Methods on Nonmatching Grids and Some Applications to Linear Elasticity Problems
Book (2)
Book chapter (7)
- Multerer M., Pezzuto S. (2021) Fast and Accurate Uncertainty Quantification for the ECG with Random Electrodes Location
- Bollhoefer M., Schenk O., Janalík R., Hamm S., Gullapalli K. (2020) State-of-The-Art Sparse Direct Solvers
- Multerer M., Wittwer L., Stopka A., Barac, D., Lang C., Iber D. (2018) Simulation of morphogen and tissue dynamics
- Krause D., Fackeldey K., Krause R. (2014) A Parallel Multiscale Simulation Toolbox for Coupling Molecular Dynamics and Finite Elements
- Grillo A., Giverso C., Favino M., Krause R., Lampe M., Wittum G. (2012) Mass Transport in Porous Media With Variable Mass
- Krause D., Potse M., Dickopf T., Krause R., Auricchio A., Prinzen F. (2012) Hybrid Parallelization of a Large-Scale Heart Model
- Dickopf T., Krause R. (2010) A study of prolongation operators between non-nested meshes
Technical report (7)
- Filipovic D., Schneider P. (2021) Adaptive joint distribution learning
- Ben Bader S., Harbrecht H., Krause R., Quaglino A., Schmidlin M. (2021) Space-time multilevel quadrature methods and their application for cardiac electrophysiology
- Gross C., Krause R. (2011) On the Globalization of ASPIN employing Trust-Region Control Strategies - Convergence Analysis and Numerical Examples
- Conen L., Gross C., Krause R. (2010) The Linear Algebra Module in ObsLib++ - Description, Comparisons and Numerical Results
- Gross C., Krause R. (2010) A Generalized Recursive Trust-Region Approach - Nonlinear Multiplicatively Preconditioned Trust-Region Methods and Applications
- Dickopf T., Krause R. (2009) A contact method for parametric finite elements
- Dickopf T., Krause R. (2009) A pseudo-L2-projection for multilevel methods based on non-nested meshes.
Conference proceedings (2)
Other publication (7)
- Pizzagalli D., Farsakoglu Y., Palomino-Segura M., Palladino E., Sintes J., Marangoni F., Mempel T., Koh W., Murooka T., Thelen F., Stein J., Pozzi G., Krause R., Gonzalez S. (2018) LTDB - Leukocyte Tracking Database
- Krause R. (2016) Complex Multiphysics in Cardiac Simulation: From Patient Data via Electro-Mechanical Activation to ECGs
- Krause R., Marci G. (2016) Ticino della Scienza
- Krause R. (2015) Scienze Computazionali - Computational Science at USI
- Ruprecht D. (2014) Hybrid Space-Time Parallel Solution of Burgers' Equation
- Croce R., Ruprecht D., Krause R. (2013) Parallel-in-Space-and-Time Simulation of the Three-Dimensional, Unsteady Navier-Stokes Equations for Incompressible Flow
- Krause R. (2009) Swiss TV (SF1 10vor10) reports about CSCS a
Article in conference proceedings (43)
- Kothari H., Kopanicakova A., Krause R. (2023) A Multigrid Preconditioner for Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov Methods
- Kothari H., Krause R. (2021) Multigrid and saddle-point preconditioners for unfitted finite element modelling of inclusions
- Gaedke-Merzhäuser L., Kopanicakova A., Krause R. (2021) Multilevel Minimization for Deep Residual Networks
- Braglia V., Kopanicakova A., Krause R. (2020) A Multilevel Approach to Training
- Simpson T., Dimosthenis ., Kourounis D., Fujita K., Yamaguchi T., Tsuyoshi I., Schenk O. (2018) Balanced Graph Partition Refinement using the Graph p-Laplacian
- Becsek B., Zolfaghari H., Nestola M., Obrist D., Krause R. (2018) Understanding Turbulent Flow issuing from the aortic valve
- Nestola M., Becsek B., Zolfaghari H., Zulian P., Obrist D., Krause R. (2018) An Immersed Boundary Method Based on the L2-Projection Approach
- von Planta C., Vogler D., Xiaoqing C., Nestola M., Zulian P., Saar M., Krause R. (2018) Simulating hydro-mechanical processes in rough fractures with a Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) approach with a parallel transfer operator
- Potse M., Gharaviri A., Pezzuto S., Auricchio A., Krause R., Verheule S., Schotten U. (2018) Anatomically-induced Fibrillation in a 3D model of the Human Atria
- Planta C., Vogler D., Nestola M., Zulian P., Krause R. (2018) Variational Parallel Information Transfer between Unstructured Grids in Geophysics-Applications and Solutions Methods
- Hunziker J., Hunziker J., Favino M., Caspari E., Quintal B., Rubino J., Krause R., Holliger K. (2017) Seismic Attenuation in Realistic Fracture Networks
- Benedusi P., Hupp D., Arbenz P., Krause R. (2016) A Parallel Multigrid Solver for Time-Periodic Incompressible Navier–Stokes Equations in 3D
- Grasedyck L., Löbbert C., Wittum G., Nägel A., Schulz V., Siebenborn M., Krause R., Küster U., Dick B. (2016) Space and Time Parallel Multigrid for Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification in PDE Simulations
- Krause R., Zulian P. (2016) A Parallel Multigrid Solver for Time-Periodic Incompressible Navier–Stokes Equations in 3D
- Kotas P., Croce R., Poletti V., Vondrak V., Krause R. (2016) A Massive Parallel Fast Marching Method
- Krause R., Krause D., Favino M., Ruprecht D. (2015) Parallel Methods in Cardiac Simulation -- from lightweight adaptivity to Coupled Models
- Schneider T., Zulian P., Azadmanesh M., Krause R., Hauswirth M. (2015) Vestige: A visualization framework for engineering geometry-related software
- Speck R., Ruprecht D., Krause R., Emmett M., Minion M., Winkel M., Gibbon P. (2014) Integrating an N-body problem with SDC and PFASST
- Speck R., Ruprecht D., Emmett M., Minion M., Winkel M., Gibbon P. (2014) Integrating an N-Body Problem with SDC and PFASST
- Krause R., Ruprecht D. (2014) Hybrid Space-Time Parallel Solution of Burger's Equation
- Dickopf T., Krause R. (2013) Monotone Multigrid Methods Based on Parametric Finite Elements
- Dickopf T., Krause R. (2013) Numerical study of the almost nested case in a multilevel method based on non-nested meshes
- Dickopf T. (2013) Numerical study of the almost nested case in a multilevel method based on non-nested meshes
- Bolten M., Emmet M., Krause R., Ruprecht D., Speck R. (2013) Poster: Extreme-scale Space-time Parallelism
- Peternier A., De Filippi M., Pasquali P., Cantone A., Krause R., Vitulli R., Ogushi F., Meroni A. (2013) Risk Estimation for LCF Crack Initiation
- Schmitz S., Gottschalk H., Rollmann G., Krause R. (2013) A Probabilistic Approach to Low-Cycle Fatigue
- Schmitz S., Rollmann G., Gottschalk H., Krause R. (2013) Probabilistic Analysis of LCF Crack Initiation Life of a Turbine Blade under Thermomechanical Loading
- Schmitz S., Rollmann G., Gottschalk H., Krause R. (2013) Risk Estimation for LCF Crack Initiation
- Favino M., Krause R., Steiner J. (2012) An Efficient Preconditioning Strategy for Schur Complements Arising from Biphasic Models
- Speck R., Ruprecht D., Krause R., Emmett M., Minion M., Winkel M., Gibbon P. (2012) A massively space-time parallel N-body solver
- Peternier A., De Filippi M., Pasquali P., Cantone A., Krause R., Vitulli R., Ogushi F., Meroni A. (2012) Performance analysis of GPU-based SAR and Interferometric SAR image processing
- Speck R., Krause R., Gibbon P. (2012) Parallel remeshing in tree codes for vortex particle methods
- Peternier A., De Filippi M., Pasquali P., Cantone A., Krause R., Vitulli R., Ogushi F., Meroni A. (2012) Performance analysis of GPU-based SAR and Interferometric SAR image processing
- Fackeldey K., Krause D., Krause R. (2011) Numerical validation of a constraints-based multiscale simulation method for solids
- Fackeldey K., Krause D., Krause R. (2011) Numerical Validation of Constraints Based Multiscale Methods
- Krause R., Krause D. (2011) Parallel Scale-Transfer in Multiscale MD-FE Coupling Using Remote Memory Access
- Krause R., Steiner J. (2010) Cosserat-Rods and Elastic Bodies: On the Numerical Simulation of a Coupled System
- Favino M., Steiner J., Gross C. (2010) Heterogeneous Coupling: A Comparison of two Approaches for the Modeling of thin Structures
- Gross C., Krause R., Walloth M. (2009) Nonlinear Decomposition Methods in Elastodynamics
- Gross C., Krause R. (2009) A Recursive Trust--Region Method for Non-convex Constrained Minimization
- Dickopf T., Krause R. (2009) Weak information transfer between non-matching warped interfaces
- Krause D., Krause R., Fackeldey K. (2009) Weak Coupling Algorithms in Multiscale Simulations