
Group of Rolf Krause

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/Group Krause/nestola-2.png
/Group Krause/Zulian-1.png
FASTER: Numerical simulation of pressure induced phase-field fracture propagation using the Utopia library. Right: magnitued of the displacement field. Left: phase-field.
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Deformed mesh diffusion
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Vector Diffusion (Viscosity)
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Solid Dynamics + Electrophysiology
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Fluid Dynamics
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Fluid Dynamics + Solid Obstacle
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Muscle Contraction + Gravity + FSI
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Sphere Pump - Implicit FSI
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Sphere Pump - Implicit FSI
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Anisotropic Conductivity + Contraction

Head: Rolf Krause

Researchers: Marco Favino, Gharaviri Ali, Maria Giuseppina Nestola, Simone Pezzuto, Patrick Zulian, Kopanicakova Alena, Kothari Hardik, Von Planta Cyrill, Diego Ulisse Pizzagalli, Pietro Benedusi, Benedikt Thelen

PhD Students: Toby Simpson, Lia Gander, Seif Ben Bader, Fatemeh Chegini, Simone Riva, Gabriele Rovi, Claudio Tommasi, Liudmila Karagyaur, Samuel Adolfo Cruz Alegria

Our aim is the efficient modeling and simulation of nonlinear processes on multiple scales in scientific and biomechanical applications. Current projects include biomechanics, contact problems in elasticity with and without friction, nonconforming domain decomposition methods, nonlinear and non-smooth multigrid methods, parallel nonlinear solution methods, adaptive finite elements for complex geometries.

Ongoing Research Projects

Software developments and contributions

  • AV-FLOW:  A software library for fluid-structure interaction simulations based on the immersed-boundary method. This software library couples a finite-element solver for solid-mechanics with a finite-difference solver for fluid-dynamics. It also has a version available entirely based on a finite-element framework (author: MGC Nestola). 
  • PARROT:  Parrot is a software library for finite element numerical simulations of single phase flow and transport phenomena in porous fractured media. It makes uses of adaptive mesh refinement techniques for the geometrical representation of the fractures network. 
  • MECH:  MECH is a software library for finite element numerical simulations of solid mechnaics. 
  • ParMoonolith:  Library for parallel intersection detection and automatic load-balancing developed at ICS (Institute of Computational Science, Università della Svizzera italiana). Funded partly by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) under the project 156178 "Geometry-Aware FEM in Computational Mechanics". 
  • Utopia:  Utopia is a C++ embedded domain specific language designed for parallel non-linear solution strategies and finite element analysis. 
  • Obslib++:  Obslib++ is a parallel, object-oriented finite element toolbox implementing non-linear multi-scale methods based on non-smooth minimization. 
  • Maci: The multiscale simulation code maci (multiscale atomistic continuum interface) allows for coupling commodity molecular dynamics and finite elements codes for the purpose of simulating multiscale phenomena, such as fracture mechanics. 
  • Parallel VTK Output (PVO):  The PVO library provides parallel I/O functionality for writing files in the different VTK (Visualization Toolkit) file formats. These files can be read, e.g., by Paraview or VisIT. PVO allows to write in parallel from multiples processes using either MPI-I/O or Posix I/O. To increase performance, data can be written into a single file or multiple output files depending on the number of processes. 
  • SLOTH:  SLOTH is a Python library offering multilevel, multifidelity, and Bayesian methods UQ.  


Prof. Dr. Rolf Krause

Università della Svizzera Italiana
Istituto Eulero
Via la Santa 1
CH-6900 Lugano
Tel.: +41 (0) 58 666 43 09
Email: rolf.krause -at- 

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