
Fascinating Informatics returns to USI

Institutional Communication Service

This year the USI Faculty of Informatics once again hosted "Fascinating Informatics", the national study week organised by the Science and Youth Foundation, aimed at young high school students interested in learning more about this discipline.

From September 6 to 10, five high school students (four girls and one boy) from the cantons of Fribourg, Solothurn, Thurgau and Vaud joined the East Campus in Lugano, where they worked in groups of two and three on a number of projects proposed by Andrea Stocco and Vincenzo Riccio (postdoctoral fellows from the research group of Prof. Paolo Tonella at the Software Institute), and Diego Pizzagalli (postdoctoral fellow at the Euler Institute) with Ilaria Arini (a student of the USI Master in Computational Science).

Together with USI, the Universities of Basel and Berne, the Fachhochschule Brugg/Windisch, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) and IBM took part in the study week. USI participates in the event since 2008. 

The projects on which the young high school students worked were:

  • Building a Telemetry Dashboard for small-scale self-driving cars, suggested by Andrea Stocco and Vincenzo Riccio
  • ClipBot, an ultra low-cost robot whose skeleton is made of 2 paper clips, suggested by Diego Pizzagalli e Ilaria Arini


For general information on the study weeks organised by the Science and Youth Foundation: